Frequently Asked Questions

Can your child access the same educational level as their peers, and you are discouraged from applying for an EHCP despite there being a diagnosis or other factors? Why not let T4M advocacy services support you further… Click Here

How can you help?
I can support you through the various steps of the EHCP Process, either with information on the process or taking away all the stress and doing it for you. When taking care of your child and the paperwork seems impossible let T4M do the work and reduce the pressure.

How do I contact you?
Telephone Advice and Support
Questions about the process, more in-depth guidance of how to do it yourself or information on a specific problem.
Fee- £20 for 30 minutes.

You can request a telephone appointment by clicking below.
Click here- 07483 172627

Parent Requests for EHCP
Draft EHCP Check

I can complete the request for you to send to the Local Authority, removing all the stress!

It will be completed using your views and evidence to meet the threshold for assessment in the best way possible.

I can also advise you of the quality of your professional reports and whether you may need more information.

Email Support.

For more information or to book Click Here.

Fee £120

Draft EHCP Check

You will receive a draft EHCP from the Local Authority for you to agree before it is finalised.

All the appropriate information from your professional reports should be included as this is a legally binding agreement from the LA.

It is vital that all the needs of your child are included in the plan and that the provision is suitable to meet those needs.

The draft checking service provides you with.

A table showing the needs and provisions from your evidence and whether they are included in the draft Plan. (Limited number of reports*)

Advice on making sure the Provisions in Section F of your draft are specific and quantified.

Information on the law around EHCPs for consideration.

Email support

For more information or to book click below

Fee £120

*£15 per additional Report.


By choosing T4Me SENDco support, you are investing in a wealth of experience, knowledge, and a commitment to ensuring that every child receives the support they deserve. Together, let’s navigate the intricate landscape of SEN provision, embracing compliance, and empowering excellence in education.

Contact Me

Feel free to get in touch via the contact form below. I will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible. I look forward to hearing from you.

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